剛剛讀到一個笑話: 四個人站在街角, 一個美國人, 一個俄國人, 一個中國人, 還有一個以色列人... 一位記者走向這群人跟他們說: 「不好意思, 你們對肉類短缺有甚麼意見?」
我在想如果香港人都在場, 他的反應會是甚麼?
香港人說: 「甚麼? 」
記者: 「...」
香港人:「可唔可以再問多一次?我頭先搞緊自己野, sorry」
歡迎來到麥加文的世界, 這是一個把平凡的東西變成不平凡的世界! Welcome to the world of MECHCalvin, the world intend to make every ordinary things extraordinary!
2012年5月25日 星期五
2012年3月29日 星期四
佛教徒說:上世修得還可以, 起碼是個人,願他今世成佛!
佛教徒說:上世修得還可以, 起碼是個人,願他今世成佛!
2011年8月10日 星期三
美國信貸評級被調低對亞洲股市影響最主要係投資(投機者)恐慌性拋售, 美國國債如巴菲特所講仍然係所有國家最安全既債券, 前美聯儲主席格林斯潘昨日電視都有回應, 美國既違約風險(唔還錢)係零, 因為佢可以不停印刷銀紙.
美國雖然負債龐大, 但係佢唔會咁快玩完, 佢好似個老人家, 雖然生產力大不如前, 但係潛力仍然有, 好多人仍然會同佢做生意. 你會發現有D國家債券仲係AAA級, 但係大部企業都係一口罵美國, 一手仍然大量買入美債, 全球大部份買國債既資金仍然不停流入美國.
另外如果你有仔細留意, 標準普爾(Standard & Poor's)首席執行官係共和黨人, 都有可能背後有政治目的, 不惜損害本土自尊打擊奧巴馬既民主黨.
今次既金融小風波, 提議可以買入宏利既環球基金 — 亞洲小型公司基金亞洲基金(Manulife Inv Asian Small Cap Fund), 佢已經下降左10%左右, 小型公司既特性係下跌後反彈既幅度比大型企業高好多. 真係好好既機會.
美國雖然負債龐大, 但係佢唔會咁快玩完, 佢好似個老人家, 雖然生產力大不如前, 但係潛力仍然有, 好多人仍然會同佢做生意. 你會發現有D國家債券仲係AAA級, 但係大部企業都係一口罵美國, 一手仍然大量買入美債, 全球大部份買國債既資金仍然不停流入美國.
另外如果你有仔細留意, 標準普爾(Standard & Poor's)首席執行官係共和黨人, 都有可能背後有政治目的, 不惜損害本土自尊打擊奧巴馬既民主黨.
今次既金融小風波, 提議可以買入宏利既環球基金 — 亞洲小型公司基金亞洲基金(Manulife Inv Asian Small Cap Fund), 佢已經下降左10%左右, 小型公司既特性係下跌後反彈既幅度比大型企業高好多. 真係好好既機會.
2011年4月20日 星期三
Picking wife and husband
Men pick wife procedures:
sexy? (yes) ->
trouble? (no) ->
support my career? (yes) ->
love? (yes) ->
While women pick husband by reserving this procedures.
sexy? (yes) ->
trouble? (no) ->
support my career? (yes) ->
love? (yes) ->
While women pick husband by reserving this procedures.
The TOP Investment Books
Four books you must read before go into the stock market
1. The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
2. One up on Wall Street - Peter Lynch
3. A Random Walk down Wall Street - Burton G. Malkiel
4. Common Stocksand Uncommon Profits - Philip Fisher
1. The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham
2. One up on Wall Street - Peter Lynch
3. A Random Walk down Wall Street - Burton G. Malkiel
4. Common Stocksand Uncommon Profits - Philip Fisher
2011年2月22日 星期二
The ultimate Mac vs PC list!
Mac vs PC has a long history of debate, they present two different worlds, two different ideas and two different culture, and something much much more! this world has always been Mac vs PC! in order to do something fun, i have created the ultimate Mac vs PC list!
Burger King is a Mac; McDonald is a PC
Pepsi is a Mac; Coca-Cola is a PC
Honda, BMW, Bentley is a Mac; Toyota, Benz, Roll Royce is a PC
Airbus is a Mac; Boeing is a PC
Christianity is a Mac; Catholic is a PC
Angelina Jolie is a Mac; Jennifer Aniston is a PC
Delta Force is a Mac; Marines is a PC
Arsenal is a Mac; ManU is a PC
Katie Melua is a Mac; Noarh Jones is a PC
Standard Chartered is a Mac; HSBC is a PCManulife is a Mac; AIA is a PC
Mac is personal, PC is collective will.
so Manulife say "caring and professional", AIA say "the power of WE" :)
2011年2月20日 星期日
Personal Budget = Happiness?
Lately i have bumped into some random friends try to convince me to get a Mac as my personal computer randomly.
actually i was hoping to spare some personal budget for some equipment upgrades for awhile, it is foreseen this year my business might do pretty well and slowly on track. it was a little bit struggle like every start-up business (not very seriously though), that i feel comfortable to do some nice thing for myself.
on top of my list is a mobile phone switch, seriously i have been back to Hong Kong from England for more than 2 years now, i am still using my old mobile phone, which is purely English blood do not understand a single chinese text. whenever i got a Chinese message, it appears in squares and i have to replied to the sender: i am sorry my phone cannot read Chinese, can you do it in simple English please? 2 years man, maybe i have send out this message for more than 100 times.
so i need to pick a new mobile phone as you know Hong Kong is a place take packaging seriously, personally i think the most basic nokia is good enough, but many friends and managers advice please get a decent one for that "business image". i feel maybe a blackberry or an iphone, or at least a business class nokia should do the job.
Now after some chit-chat with friends, i might consider getting a Mac as well. I might also want to get a PS3 or a xbox, since i never had a proper game console ever. i mean why not get everything together?
After doing some research, this is how i see it.
Mac, iphone and PS3 is something with a personal touch, they all design and refuse to cooperate with the rest of the world. i see if i accept Mac, i have to accept its concept (Stevens Job's), as a whole, iphone, ipod, the i-community.
this "for myself only concept" is pretty much similar to play station 3. the "iconic games" for play station 3 such the final fantasy series, metal gear series, GT5, killzone, are very focus on the story itself and not much with playing with other people online.
while on the other hand the "iconic games" for xbox 360 such as Halo, Gear of Wars, Forza Motor they do have good story, but you will find a network tag along with it, i can imagine i would get a xbox and play with many friends online, while get a PS3 stuck myself in a room for a week just to finish an amazing story.
this good old "personal vs networking" also define iphone and blackberry, i cannot imagine i bring an iphone for work and do not playing around with it (such unprofessional being), not to mention all the file type you just cannot share with normal PC user, while on the other hand, blackberry and nokia (or HTC) do make you feel you are doing business and take it seriously, that's the fact.
so yeah, Mac, iphone, PS3 is major for personal enjoyment.
while, PC, Blackberry, xbox is major for common share experience.
it is so hard, and hey why not get both? the truth is even i have enough money to get all, i will eventually have to choose between 2 ideas, the chosing reflects my own likeness, whether i only want something to enjoy myself, or do i enjoy things with a lot of people together.
this is my shopping list.
Mac: $13,000,
PC upgrade: $3,000
PS3: $2,350
xbox: $2,650
iphone 4: $4,000
Blackberry 9780: $4,200
i also need
badminton racket: $1,000
hiking equipment: $1,000
a total $32,500 for all items!
i think $20,000 is the max that i think its reasonable, you just simply cannot get all in life, otherwise usually end up with none.
this is like picking wife! whether you want to be with a woman all your friends love and comfortable and make your parents happy or with someone has a personal understanding about you. i wish i can have 2 wifes, but the fact is i can't, i won't able to handle 2 women, 1 will generate enough problems. :)
so yeah, i am taking my time, to make sure i make no mistake, by mistake is buying something i will regert later.
from what i see, those people only focus on themselves do not attend happiness at the end, people cannot satisfy themselves even they get what they want everytimes, they may carry a happy face though.
so eventually i might end up putting that $20,000 for a greater good, i don't know, let see.
personal budget = happiness? such a hard question.
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