2013年4月27日 星期六

San Francisco Quick Guide

1. get a data plan first, without google map, you will get lost pretty easy unless you are extremely good with maps and directions. T-mobile have 2 types of plan.
type 1
1. US$50 for 500MB data and call
2. US$60 for 1.5GB data and call
3. US$70 for 2.5GB data and call

there will be extra US$10 activation fee, so you are probably looking at $70-80 for the week.

type 2.
US$3 a day, only 2.5G, pretty slow, for whatsapp and facebook, but cheap. they will only show you type 1, you have to ask for type 2.

2. Free wifi, if you don't want to pay, there is only few places you can have free wifi in the city (except your hotel), the best place is a shopping mall named target, at 789 Mission St, San Francisco. You can access wifi and restroom there, can consider to use it as a check point before you start your day.

3. there are two main street in the city, market street (where all the shops locates), and California street (where one of the cable cars line run through it)

4. China Town and Financial district always stick together just like any city, financial district is considered to be the "wall street" of the west coast.

5. must find a day visit Fishermans Wharf, there are many pier, the key pier is the pier 39, where the restaurant and shops for tourist locates

6.Being a sea lion at Pier 39 is the best job in the world, they just sun bath there everyday and that's it, go visit them. Try crab there for lunch, find a restaurant with good reputation, but it is pretty sure the restaurants at pier 39 will be very tourist kind of expensive.

7. can take a boat trip there too, there are 2 boat trips, one just circle around up to golden gate bridge, the other one will land on Alcatraz which is called Alcatraz Cruises, at Pier 33, Alcatraz island was a famous jail for extreme dangerous criminal, also where the Nicolas Cage's film "the rock" was filmed.

8. cable cars have 3 lines, http://www.sfcablecar.com/routes.html, single trip cost US$6, a day pass will give you access to underground, tram and cable cars for only US$14, so get one unless you want to walk all day on the hills like i did.


9. go up Russian hill and Nob hill by cable cars, where the famous Lombard street locate, take pictures is essential.

10. if you travel cable cars as a tourist, remember to hop on at the front side, where you can stand or sit in open area, even "high five" with the incoming cable cars, don't hop on at the back, you won't able to feel the views. there is also a cable car museum if you are interested.


11. golden gate bridge have two viewing point, north and south, most tourist (travel by tourist bus) can only access the south area, with museum. the north area you must drive or ride a bike to get there.

12. golden gate park is a 3 miles long national park, there is a science museum inside can spend you a day, there are also couple area you need to pay in order to gain access, a green house, a Japanese style garden and a large garden.

13. if you want to ride a bike, there are couple bike cruise companies, some will just circle around the city, some can let you ride across the golden gate bridge, ask what cruise they are offering.

14. visit the city hall for free, you will find some historical things inside, or see some random people get marry there, but there are security check.

15. if you travel on bus/ tram, all run by the company golden gate transit, there is also free wifi on bus, but don't rely on it, get a map on the bus/ tram will show you all the routes within the city.

16. telegraph hill, coit tower will give you 360 view to the city, but if you want to get to the top, you have to pay $7.

17. Ferry Building Marketplace have many cute things

18. if you are unsure, hop on a tourist bus for a quick tour first so you can have a basic understanding of the city, ask for a pass so you can hop on and off anytime you like, once you have a basic understanding of the city, it is easier to plan your route.

have fun!

Apple Inc.

Apple stocks have been around $400 for awhile, i still unable to buy their stocks due to i can only open a saving bank in US, and i do not know how to trade in HK.

Although compare to the highest $700, $400 is attractive, however even the company can shoot over $800, it will only double the streak, the best start-up gigantic 10000% growth have long gone. if this company need to be attractive to the investor now, it has to do at least $1000 a share, will they able to make it? after Steve is gone?

Personal i think Apple's key advantage is it has built up a strong wall, that able to protect the benefits of the users and developers, for a company, "religious like fans" is always a good thing to its earning.

The other thing i really like about this company is they only sell like 4-5 products, they want to perfect their succeeding formula, rather than push out 400-500 new products without quality, i understand Steve's philosophy, if there is one device can do all things, let there be one.

Finally, Warren Buffett always felt unsafe investing in tech stocks, one of the reasons is this industry move so fast, it is unable to predict, however i would add he doesn't invest in tech is because he believe in "ability zone", which he will not touch things he cannot understand, and I.T. is one of those things he cannot understand.

2013 WWDC's tickets have been sold within 2 mins, it is a sign to me, Apple's earning will only go up in the future, not down. Esp. if you know how much cash reserve they have, that they can always have time to wait.

Lastly, Apple's foundation is not trying to sell products, it is trying to affect how human live their lifes, believing every layer of our life can be connected through digital, that's also the reason why he ended up removing the word computer from Apple.

Steve's absolute desire for perfection and control have already injected into this company and i do not believe anyone will able to take away this DNA from its founder. I will not be surprise they will create iTV, iBoat, even iPlane in the future.

2013年1月2日 星期三


不知是不是近來愈來愈朋友結婚生小朋友, 受到氣氛感染, 所以開始想寫些關於愛情的文章.

我的愛情經驗很少, 但做了30多年人, 總有些感覺看法.

當我十七, 十八歲時, 愛情只是一種感覺, 很愛的感覺很強烈, 不愛就是沒有感覺, 也就是一般女孩所說的: 冇feel.

當我廿一歲時, 回頭一看, 我以為的愛情: 「感覺不存在, 愛情就不存在」的「愛情」其實不是愛情, 充其量只能說是喜歡. 
成熟了一點的我認為愛情是一種承諾, 因為承諾了, 之間無論如何困難, 我都一定要做得到, 不論是有感覺的時候, 或是沒有感覺的時候, 我以為這種看法已經很不錯.
當我廿三歲時, 又回頭一看,發現承諾也不是愛情, 只不過是一種責任, 看到身邊有些人, 已經不愛也不關心對方, 但因為之前承諾過甚麼甚麼, 也要繼續做戲, 說是愛情, 不如說是對自己的不服氣, 自己明明說做到的, 結果變了, 這種「堅持」是一種自欺, 一種不服輸的自欺, 是從自己出發, 還是自我中心. 

又成熟了一點的我, 更新愛情為是一種關心, 你關心一個人, 你的承諾才有意義, 如果你唔care, 你既承諾又有何相干呢? 我當時認為自己已經很不錯, 因為開始脫離自我.

當我廿五歲時, 我又發現愛情不單只是一種關心, 關心是需要, 也是基礎, 但也可以是單向的, 我開始看見愛情是一種意願, 一種兩個人願意一起走人生路的意願, 這樣的愛情不再以自我為中心, 因為意願是均等的, 是雙向, 而不是一廂情願的, 如果一個人不願意, 沒有人可以迫他/她一起走. 我以為我已經找到了真正的愛情.

當我廿七歲第一次拍拖時, 我第一身經歷愛情, 我感覺到愛情不會只是一種意願, 兩個人行山, 總會有些時候有一個人不願意走, 可能一人認為走夠了, 被其他東西吸引停下, 或是行得太辛苦, 不知為甚麼, 不如就停在這裡吧! 可能當時剛剛成為基督徒, 我開始覺得愛情是一種犧牲, 是一種捨己, 是一種遷就, 如果你真的愛對方, 對方有甚麼不好, 未到位, 遷就一下吧. 我又一次以為我終於得到愛情的真諦.

當我和女朋友分手時, 我發現愛情不能只是一種犧牲, 一種捨己, 一種遷就, 為甚麼我這樣犧牲遷就, 她還是不快樂不理解呢? 我開始認識到, 愛情可能是忍耐, 你要忍耐另一半成長, 另一半的理解, 另一半的接納, 反之亦然. 當一邊理解不了, 接納不了, 愛情就消失了. 我認為下一次我一定會做得更好.

當我三十歲時, 我還是單身, 因為我突然感到愛情對我不太重要, 我已經過了渴望愛情的青年階段, 但我還是思考愛情是甚麼, 因為我知終有一天我也是要面對的.

2012年我看到人的善變, 人性的不可靠, 人因為得不到永恆, 就以一剎那成為永恆的荒謬. 我看到愛情是需要介入, 一種價值觀的介入. 聖經說: 「二人若不同心, 豈能同行呢?」我看到某種真理, 如果兩個人的價值觀不同, 是走不下去的, 如果兩個人的看法不一致, 又如何同路呢? 男想上山, 女的想下山; 男的想發達, 女的只想快樂; 男的想生小孩, 女的不想生小孩; 男的喜歡一大班朋友玩, 女的只想兩個人平靜過日子... 最後都是分手離婚收場.

我還有九日就進入三十一歲了, 根據我從保險學來的數據, 香港男性平均年齡是79歲, 將來應該會更長壽,我的愛情觀應該會繼續進化吧? 不知到我八十歲時, 我對愛情的見解又會是如何呢?

2012年12月31日 星期一

個人意識 vs 群體意識

個人意識, 來自文藝復興, 宗教改革等一連串運動。美國會有今日的民主, 法制社會, 主要源自個人意識。美國的個人意識,則主要是近代被清教徒從歐洲帶過去的。於是美國人遵守法律,也極度關注政府是否侵犯任何公民的權力, 造就了一個強而有力的法制社會。 重點在於出發點是:「我遵守法律, 是因為相信法律能夠保護我。」

這樣的邏輯思維跟東方是很不同的, 東方人對於法律的價值, 較偏重它能穩定秩序安定的一面。中國人重群體意識, 「犧生小我, 完成大我」的思維, 便是最典型的例子。

群體意識曾使中國強盛了將近二十個世紀, 但在個人意識引發了現代科學, 法治, 資本主義後, 使西方社會跳躍式的進步, 遠遠把東方傳統社會甩在後面。

2012年11月21日 星期三





就以電腦來說,香港的家庭電腦一直組裝機為主,砌機都可以算是本地文化的一種,當外界的電腦大品牌如IBM,HP,DELL,ACER,APPLE打得你死我活,香港高登黃金商場的砌機生意,可以說是迄立不倒,這在以品牌為主導的外國來說簡直是Mission Impossible,外國人對產品的信心來自品牌,他們不可能出現一個家庭買電腦時會去一個像街市的地方,這裡買一件零件,那裡買一件零件,然後叫一個沒有專業牌照的技工組合後帶回家,雖然組裝機現在在外國開始流行,但也是在嗜好的層次。





2012年11月14日 星期三


近來香港政府出招打擊樓市, 這樣做不會減少需求, 只是壓抑, 在自由市場只有短期作用, 不會維持很久. 有些香港人以為政府打壓 = 幫市民. 

第一, 這本身已經失去他們追求「自由」的意義, 令人感到香港市民的「自由」, 只是追求對自己有利的自由. 

第二, 這不會幫得到一般市民. 如果不增加供應, 都是得一塊餅, 以前香港人沒有能力爭, 現在打壓有能力的外人, 但香港人仍然是沒有能力. 政府要做的不可以只是干預, 市民本身也有責任提升自己的購買力, 要不是就像球證(政府)偏幫的情況下, 香港人都冇能力入波, 還在怪球證不偏幫多d, 最好唔好比對手踢.

我是未買過樓的, 只有月供基金跟小量收息股票. 而且本身都係做金融, 但係我第一手感到, 客人 (香港市民) 仍然將樓放在第一位, 因為這是中國人的社會, 喜歡是觸摸得到的東西, 而金融永遠都只會佔第二第三位, 如果未買到樓, 也沒有興趣金融產品.

香港是以國際自由社會為主導, 不能夠因為外人購買力超班, 就不準他們買賣, 直接d講, 就好像香港足球隊太水皮, 外隊的實力超班, 就不準他們一起踢波, 這樣「保護」香港人是完全冇好處, 香港就會變得愈來愈弱.

政府一直都不應該幫市民, 只能協助, 如果說「幫」, 也只能說香港人還是未成熟的小朋友, 小朋友你都應該幫, 但成為大人, 就不可以再幫, 因為他應該有自立能力. 香港有很多人照是因為其還在成長中, 但我看現在市民沒幾個說多謝, 不單沒有多謝, 反而反罵說幫得不夠, 我深感這是很低能, 但小朋友的態度, 你也只能當他小朋友看待, 包容一點.

香港的經濟要整體去看, 不能只是頭痛醫頭, 腳痛醫腳, 市民買唔到樓, 永遠都唔會只係樓市既問題. 最直接增升香港經濟有幾個方法, 第一, 政府要想辦法增加職位, 特別是高級職位, 所有社會都是, 工作有需求, 人工才會提升, 先是上層社會受惠, 基層才會受惠, 而不是大部份香港人整天就在想打壓, 打壓樓市, 打壓有錢人, 打壓在高位的人, 最後受最大苦的是自己. 不好拉上面的人到自己的層次, 而是提升自己到他們的層次,

第二, 政府必須増加非地產的收入, 現在香港經濟是嚴重依賴地產, 香港人說這是「官商勾結」, 但老實講, 我是政府也不會同地產作對, 反之想辦法增加其他收入, 其中一個是增加稅收, 有些香港人只是看到外國的福利, 而不看他們交稅是他們收入20-40%, 政府不應該貼錢幫市民, 而是整做機會他們賺更多的錢.

現在的情況是政府依賴地產, 而市民就依賴政府, 政客就依賴市民, 大家都一面依賴, 一面投訴, 幫不到手之餘, 也看不到自己的利益其實和他們打壓的東西息息相關, 這也是很可悲.

現在很多人以為炒家好好賺, 其實風險好大, 一有事佢地會好慘., 97金融風暴, 03年SARS很多人跳樓, 都是還不到錢的炒家. 而一般小業主只想自住, 樓市跌到貼地最多唔開心, 四幅牆都冇事.